Debriefing Ministry
Just as Jesus walked with the two men on the road to Emmaus, we want to walk alongside people and provide a safe place for them to share about events that have happened in their lives.
Debriefing is a time set aside for you to purposefully tell your story and intentionally process a certain time frame of your life. Our desire is for every individual to hear personally from God, gain perspective on their circumstances, find healing, and be able to move forward feeling strengthened.
Who is debriefing for?
Those that are going through a lot of change
Those that have gone through a crisis
Those who have experienced injustice
Those who have gone through loss
Those who feel stuck
Why is debriefing important?
It gives you the opportunity to process difficult experiences
It provides a safe environment to talk freely about your thoughts and feelings and be heard without judgment
It gives you space to hear from God and get his perspective on your pain, loss, disappointments, and injustice
It can help to bring closure to confusing or painful events in your life
What you can expect
To process your journey with trained and experienced debriefers
To have times of personal reflection and guided debriefing homework
To gain a greater understanding of how you relate to yourself, others and God
A safe and encouraging environment where everything you share will remain confidential
Structure of the week
Mornings: Sessions with your debriefers
Afternoons and Evenings: Debriefing homework (assigned at the end of each morning)
Debriefing your journey is important for your emotional and spiritual health. Ignoring your pain and loss only promises one thing… that it will resurface at another time. We need to give our pain and loss to Jesus so that we can be free to live the abundant life He has planned for us.
Meet your Debriefing Team
It’s scary to let go of the hurts in our lives and give them to the Lord. My debriefers cultivated the most peaceful and gracious environment to do so, and I could share my story freely without fear. I have not felt so heard, seen, and valued in quite a long time. I feel like I can breathe again and I’m leaving Montana 50 pounds lighter.
~ E.H.
I would highly recommend this debriefing process for anyone going through a transition in life or ministry as well as those who want to process any past trauma/difficulties. We don’t often have a chance to be heard and talk about these deep issues in a safe and open environment. You’ll experience closure, acceptance, validation, clarity and so much more.
~ A.F.
It was a huge blessing to be able to take time dedicated to processing things that have been under the surface for years. I’m coming away from this time with hope and freedom to walk in the giftings the Lord has given that have been hindered in the past by hurts and disappointments that weren’t dealt with. I would highly recommend it!
~ A.N.